Fall has started today. It’s time to get the cosy sweaters out, but also make new choices for your Twin Flame Union to grow.

Because you awakened to the Twin Flame journey, these choices might require you to completely your life and the way you perceive things. But the Universe knows you’re capable of it. It wouldn’t guide you to it if it wasn’t the case.

To help you along, I drew cards from the Romance Angels deck (Doreen Virtue) to help you understand where to go next. Choose your Fall decor to get to your card:

Card 1

Note that when you see soulmate on a Doreen Virtue card, she is actually talking about the energy of Twin Flames, perfect lovers.

This card, Keep an Open Mind, is inviting you to release expectations on what your Twin Flame is doing.

And also, it’s inviting you to let go of how Union happens. The Universe decides how it happens. But you can decide when.

Do you choose to have your Union in this lifetime or in the next?

Do you choose to see that you’re the one in charge of manifesting it, not anyone else?

Would you be ready to let go of what you think romance is and cultivate love in a new way?

True love is challenging, but it is also really rewarding when you know how to claim it.

Card 2

Love Yourself First is pretty self-explanatory. But it has a deeper meaning.

If you’re reading this, you are probably aware of the fact that this journey is a path of self love and ascension. 

However, the Universe is calling you to look deeper into it.

Do you get frustrated when you love yourself and nothing happens with your Twin Flame?

Do you say “I’ve been doing all the right things yet they don’t want to see me?”

The Universe is calling your attention to the fact that your vibration isn’t there yet.

Permanent, lasting Union happens when you’re able to maintain a state of peace, gratitude and joy towards the situation, no matter what happens on the outside.

And this does not happen when you meditate or when you try go away/block your Twin Flame. It happens when you confront each of your upset and frustration head-on and heal it. Each one of them. On any topic that may cause you to experience bad feelings.

Yes, it sounds challenging, and that’s why it’s recommended not to do this journey alone.

Card 3

You are a warrior of love. You Deserve Love, appreciation and kindness for the work you’ve been doing on yourself lately. You’re facing things that aren’t always easy. The Universe wants you to know that it’s looking over you and that you’re doing great.

Do you know who else watches over you? Your Twin Flame. Their Higher Self is communicating to you today:

Let go of the low self-esteem, my love. You are Divine and perfect. The more you recognize that in yourself, the more I see it in you and am attracted towards your light. Never stops shining and being an inspiration.
I love you…