Do you know that Pluto goes direct this week, for the first time in 16 years, and will not change course for the rest of our lifetime?

The last time it was direct, I had just entered middle school. Think about the changes that are going to take place for Twin Flames worldwide because of the end of this 16-year cycle. We were in the era of awaknening. Now, we enter the era of healing and Union.

To help you along these movements, I drew cards from the Moonology deck (Yasmin Boland), one of my favorites. Choose your crystal now and receive your guidance:

Card 1

Ground yourself this week by focusing on the details. Twin Flame Union doesn’t happen through wishy-washiness.

Trade the “I’ll wait for when they’re ready” with a “I manifest my Union now through healing because everything is a mirror.”

Your ambitions are within reach, but they require structure and clear action steps. Think about how you can bring your dreams into the material world through steady, practical efforts.

Persistence will lead to long-term results. It is one of the key to Harmonious Twin Flame Union.

Card 2

This week, it’s time to step into your power. Boldly pursue your goals with passion and courage.

The Twin Flame journey leads to perfect love, better than what you see in the movies. But it is not for the faint of heart. Because it will push you through healing the deepest wounds inside of yourself.

If you struggle to feel good and make progress every day on the Twin Flame journey, you may need help working through your blocks.

Don’t put what you can do now to later. It’s important to act now as you signify to the Universe that you’re ready to receive what you claim.

Card 3

This card reminds you to stay hopeful and optimistic. Even if you’re not seeing immediate results, trust that your intentions are being heard.

No, you’re not crazy to believe in your feelings for this person. Your desires are meant to come true, every single time. You have been awakened to the Twin Flame journey because you were ready now. Your person is going to lead you to your true Twin Flame Union, no matter what.

Keep nurturing your dreams and allow them to grow. This week, small steps in the right direction are all you need. Stay aligned with your vision and keep moving forward.